For successful use of materials in electronics, it is crucial to thoroughly understand their structural properties on an atomic level. The young researcher will specialize in working with a transmission electron microscope with atomic resolution. Research will include the characterization of multifunctional oxide materials by advanced atomic-scale scanning transmission electron microscopy with a 4D STEM pixelated detector which allows us to analyze defect types, detect strain fields, observe charge density distribution, and study dynamic responses under external stimuli. The young researcher will have the opportunity to collaborate with a team of experienced and young researchers in the field of materials, engage in interdisciplinary cooperation with scientists in simulations and computing, present their results at domestic and international conferences, and have the opportunity for additional education abroad.
Prof. dr. Andreja Benčan Golob
Prof. dr. Andreja Benčan Golob is working in the Department of Electronic Ceramics at the Jozef Stefan Institute and is teaching at the Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School. She is actively involved in structural studies of piezoelectric materials using various methods of electron microscopy, with a particular focus on atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy.
More info:
Research programme: Multifunctional materials and devices: from quantum to macro-scale
Training topic: 4D STEM of ferroelectrics