Electronic components and technologies

Prof. dr. Danjela Kuščer Hrovatin

Danjela Kuščer investigates the relations between synthesis, processing conditions and properties of materials applicable in electronics and energetics. Her research focuses on inorganic, non-metallic materials such as piezoelectrics for ultrasonic transducers and piezoelectric energy harvesters, transparent, conductive oxides for invisible electronics and carbon-based materials for electrochemical sensors. Under her supervision, five students have successfully obtained their doctoral degrees. Currently she has supervised a doctoral student working on the development of materials for electrochemical sensors.

Research programme: Multifunctional materials and devices: from quantum to macro-scale
Training topic: Electrochemcial sensors for detection of emerging polutants in food

Chemical contamination of food is a major public health risk worldwide, causing mild to severe symptoms in humans and contributing to bacterial resistance. The topic of the PhD study is the development of materials and test sensor structures for the rapid and efficient detection of selected contaminants in food, in locations outside laboratories. During your PhD you will have the opportunity to work on an innovative project focusing on the development of integrated electrochemical sensor components using advanced thick-film technology. Your work will include the following key activities:


  1. Thick film processing: This involves the preparation of dispersions and the deposition of the dispersion onto a substrate using a printing method, which is a key step in ensuring the quality and performance of the sensor components, and the curing of the layer after deposition, which is crucial for the stability and functionality of the final product.
  2. Components: Your role will be to fabricate and functionalise integrated components, including processing and functionalisation of working electrodes to enable sensitive and selective detection of contaminants in samples.
  3. Analysis and measurement: You will perform analyses of the fabricated structures and measure the electrochemical response in model systems using different analytical methods.
  4. Materials optimisation: Based on the results, we will select the optimal materials and processes for the sensor development.
  5. Real sample testing: You will be involved in testing the sensor element on real food samples to assess its performance in practical applications.
  6. Publications: This work includes collecting the results and drafting the scientific articles.

We offer you a job at the Jožef Stefan Institute for a 4-years training period, admission to the faculty of your choice and covering tuition fees. The training takes place under the guidance of a professional, experienced mentor and takes place in an international research group with a pleasant and creative working environment. You will benefit from training abroad and interdisciplinary work on advanced research equipment. Previous experience is not required.

PhD candidates with a Master’s degree in a natural or technical science are invited for an interview. The Master’s degree must be completed by 15.9.2025 at latest.

Join us and be part of important research group that will contribute to better control of food quality and environmental safety!