Control and care of the environment

Doc. dr. Tomaž Rijavec

Dr. Tomaž Rijavec is a PhD in biological sciences, currently working on the characterization of natural and artificial aggregated microbial communities. Together with his colleagues from the Group for Colloid Biology they are studying how the organisms are spatially arranged to achieve a functionally optimal activity and they are developing the tools to affect this arrangement. They try to translate the basic understanding of a studied system to various applicative solutions.

Research programme: Cycling of substances in the envirnment , mass balances and modeling of environmental processes and risk assessement
Training topic: Microbial biocatalytic aggregated systems to enhance interactions between microorganisms and plants

Microbial-based biocatalytic aggregated systems are artificially constructed consortia that can be obtained from natural samples or prepared by combining individual previously isolated strains. Artificially aggregated microbial cells can form three-dimensional aggregates suspended in a liquid or two-dimensional biofilms formed on surfaces. The functional properties of these structures can enable improved leaching of minerals necessary for plant growth, optimization of intercellular nutrient transfer in nitrogen fixation, faster and more efficient degradation of pollutants, valorization of biopolymers, and increased interspecific interactions, which, greatly contribute to the improved use of strains for the purposes of biocontrol of plant pathogens. In all cases, the spatial arrangement of cells needs to be properly evaluated from the perspective of understanding the activity of microorganisms and their interaction with plants. Based on the analyses of natural structures, we assume that understanding the spatial arrangement of cells and their interactions with other cells in the consortium and other components of the artificially aggregated system is of key importance for studying any activity. In the research program, the candidate will focus on constructing and studying different types of consortia and attempting to understand the parameters that influence microbial activity, thereby improving microbial interaction with the host plant.

The research work will mainly be conducted in the Group for Colloid Biology ( at the Department of Environmental Sciences (, Reactor Centre Podgorica, JSI.

It will directly involve the use of different interdisciplinary methodologies:

  1. methods in colloid biology (cell surface modification, immobilization, aggregation, biofilm construction, flow cytometry, particle size measurement),
  2. molecular biology techniques (nucleic acid isolation, PCR, sequencing),
  3. microscopy (time-resolved fluorescence, confocal, SEM) and
  4. chemical analyses, available to the candidate within the research group, the Department and the Institute, as well as the collaborative network of international partners (SurfBio Innovation Hub,

During the doctoral studies, the candidate will also learn important soft skills that are important in the development of a researcher for further scientific research work, such as the concept of scientific thinking and hypothesis generation, research planning and conducting laboratory experiments. During the training, he will learn how to prepare scientific publications, patents and project documentation, and will become familiar with project management approaches.

More information about our scientific activities and laboratory approaches are available at:

Minimum requirements for application:

  • Master’s degree in biological sciences or life sciences
  • Grade point average of 8.0
  • Proficiency in English